
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Transform Europe by praying!

One of our people in France once told us that she always notices it when it's 'her turn on the prayer diary'. She experiences the power that comes into her work when people pray for her and her French friends.

Prayer is vital to transforming Europe. ECM was founded through a night of prayer in 1904, when an Estonian was challenged by God to reach the peoples of Europe with the gospel. 

Join us in prayer because it releases God's power into the lives of our workers and their ministries.

Partner with ECMNZ by:

ECM Partners in Prayer

As a Partner in Prayer, you will receive monthly digital updates and prayer points from our missionaries and staff from both New Zealand and Australia. Pray in an informed and specific way.

Prayer partners are invited to the New Zealand / Australia regular monthly online prayer meeting where you can meet our missionaries and hear firsthand what ministry is like in Europe.

Sign up as a Partner in Prayer, and you will be sent a welcome pack with a bookmark and fridge magnet as helpful reminders of your partnership with us.

Sign up button.png

Pray for specific ECM Missionaries

You can receive regular digital updates and prayer requests from specific ECM missionaries.

Simply head to Our Missionaries and click on the missionary you wish to pray for.

You will then be taken a profile page of that missionary where you will see a "Follow <Name of Missionary>" button which will take you to a sign up form prefilled with the missionary's name.

Your commitment to pray means a lot to us.  We cannot express how vital we believe this ministry of prayer to be...only the Lord can soften hearts and minds and draw people to himself.

Thank you for considering partnering in prayer with ECM.

Daily Prayer Diary

You can read and download the prayer diary below.


You can also follow the daily requests by subscribing to our feed with the PrayerMate App.

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