Summer Camps in Romania

children campsMonday 05 September 2022 13:29

It all started on Sunday with the baptism of 5 young people... Abi, Iris, Simon, Emy and Iusti gave their lives to the Lord and were baptised. They came through our children's programmes and the youth group. Thank you for helping us reach out to children and teenagers through the summer camps!

Abi, Iris, Simon, Emy and Iusti all gave their lives to the Lord and were baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit. There was great rejoicing in heaven and on earth as the Baptish Church was packed to the rafters to support and celebrate with these young people.

We have been very encouraged to see the gospel seeds grow and bear fruit in these young people. They came through our children's programmes and the youth group. They have also been actively serving the Lord and participating at Team Training where they have learned Christian leadership and Bible teaching skills. We thank God for their sincere and powerful testimonies, and pray that they will continue to grow in their walk with Christ day-to-day.

It continued on Monday with our Children's Camp...

22 Children came and participated on our Children's Camp in Brasov. We had an amazing time. The program was packed full of activities including sightseeing, games, food, Bible stories, worship and getting to know one another. We had a wonderful week of weather and a fantastic team of leaders.

A number of children who came have never had a holiday before. As you can imagine, they were over the moon with everything they experienced and went home with memories they won't forget. We are thankful to the Lord for no accidents, no major problems, and for the gospel seeds that were clearly sown as we studied John's Gospel.

We are grateful for those who helped us fundraise and for those who prayed for this camp.

A brilliant Teens' Camp!

This was our third and final camp this summer, this time with 27 teenagers. It was hard work because we were a big group, but it was time well spent. We visited Bran Castle, Brasov centre and Sighisoara. We played lots of fun games. We ate well. We got to know each other better. And most importantly we shared and discussed the gospel.

The theme for the week was the 7 signs that Jesus performed in John's Gospel and we encouraged the young people to draw their own conclusion on who Jesus really is.


One of the wonderful things about the teens camp was that a good number of the participants were on holiday FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. It was a real privilege to show them new places, enjoy new experiences, and to put a smile on their faces. One example is Denis (in the picture). Denis lives in a remote village near Piatra Neamt. He had never been any further than Piatra Neamt. He had never seen a castle. He had never travelled by bus. In the two weeks leading up to the camp he was unable to sleep at night due to the excitement. There were other examples of young people who waited all year for this camp, knowing that it would be their only holiday.

We thank God for the gospel seeds that were sown last week. We are thankful for all of you who supported financially and prayerfully. Please continue to pray for the ongoing work with teens in Romania. Pray for more opportunities, more connections, and for the teens to 'not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man gives' (John 6:27). Amen!


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