Bible College
in Europe
Discover God's call
for your life
Discover God's call
for your life
We live in the Plastic Sea, an extension of greenhouses so big it can be seen from space. Our town of 100.000 is home to 100 nationalities, many of who are working in the greenhouses. People come to Roquetas with all kinds of hope, but many find themselves in Spain without work, or exploited, living in difficult conditions and isolated from the Spanish community. We want to reach them with the hope and love of Jesus.
We believe that God is bringing people from places where the church struggles to gain access, to Roquetas - where we can freely share with them about Jesus and his love for them.
Together with people from local churches we are involved in a kids club for local children, many from Muslim families. We give Spanish classes to migrants, and collaborate with a neighbourhood centre that reaches out to Moroccan families with second hand clothing, coffee and conversation. We’re also visiting women trapped in prostitution and hope to develop something for their children.
We would love to host you for your internship if you are prepared to:
We offer:
Financial: You will be expected to pay for the cost of sharing an apartment (250€/month) and to pay for all your private expenses (food, bus, breakfasts by the beach etc.). This will be a maximum of €500/month (depending on your preferences :-)
Language: Spanish, Arabic or French would be fantastic but are not necessary
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