Bible College
in Europe
Discover God's call
for your life
Discover God's call
for your life
European Christian Mission works in northern Italy, in the area around Lake Garda (Trent, Rovereto, Desenzano, Montichiari, Bergamo), with a primary focus on church planting in the many towns without an evangelical witness, and helping existing churches that are looking to plant other churches.
An internship in Italy principally means learning: learning from local believers about what serving God means in a different culture, with very few Protestants; and learning about yourself and how you can serve God in different ways.
The possibilities for ministry include literature distribution, children's work (including camps), university ministry (also in English), community outreach and education, and practical work. There is much more that could be done; the program depends also on the gifts and interests of the person who comes.
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