Ukraine Crisis | Stories from the field

“Are we living in a vicious circle? Heartbreak - anger - energy - hope. And again. Heartbreak - anger - energy - hope. And again, and again, and again. At the beginning of this war, I prayed so hard that the Lord would give us a quick victory…Now I'm beginning to realise that most probably it's going to be a marathon and not a sprint.
The question is, how many miles are still ahead of us? How many more hurdles do we still have to jump through? How long is this obstacle course going to be? How much more do we have to suffer? For how much longer do we have to fight?” Quote from Roman Matviyiv, ECM Pastor in Ukraine
We have all witnessed the horror of the war in Ukraine this year as Russia invaded. The impact on Europe will be felt for generations as they face the biggest humanitarian crisis since WW2. Around 7 million people displaced, thousands dead, orphans and widows left in its wake.
The ECM team in Ukraine is made up entirely of Ukrainians who are mostly based in Lviv. They have been caring for a steady stream of refugees as they make their way to Poland, Croatia, Romania, Germany and Slovenia. They are exhausted, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
New Hope is a church in Lviv, Ukraine led by father and son team, Stepan and Roman Matviyiv. They have been re-purposing their facility to accommodate all the refugees passing through…
“We are rebuilding our facility here in Lviv to help refugees fleeing from the central and eastern part of Ukraine. Our building can also be used by neighbouring civilians so that they have somewhere to hide when the air alarm goes off. Our cafeteria has been re-purposed to house the refugees so we have built some makeshift beds. We have converted our classrooms into makeshift bedrooms and, thankfully, people have donated sheets and pillows. We are also trying to provide somewhere for them to cook. Upstairs we have our worship centre where we are planning to put some 30 or 40 beds which we need to buy.”
Roman reports that the situation in Kyiv has been terrible. Most people have been living without electricity, heat, mobile or internet connection. Many residents have also been seeking shelter in basements, in dire need of food and water. He says that despite the promise that “green corridors” would be established for the evacuation of women and children, the occupants went ahead and bombed anyway, killing people, including children.
“The tragedy in Irpin was personal. Personal because of S., my good friend. Many of you asked about him. He is safe. He and his wife were among the last to leave the ruined area of Irpin before the Russians took over. Two years ago, Anatoliy, a young man from Severodenetsk, moved with his family to Irpin. His family has been actively serving at the Irpin Bible Church alongside S. Anatoliy sent his wife and two children to a safe place and decided to stay in Irpin to volunteer. This young man was killed while helping a family with two small kids escape. None of them survived.”
The ABC reports that at the largest children’s hospital in Kyiv, 150 sick children have already been evacuated. Most of them can’t afford interruptions in their treatment. Half of the city’s population fled within a matter of weeks.
“Petrol queues are long, and while the city is mostly deserted, there are lines of people outside pharmacies, fearful that crucial medical supplies will dry up. Air raid sirens fill the air and people caught outside hurry to safety.”
ECMI’s Vlad Kostornyy is of Ukrainian and Russian descent. He has been with ECM since 2018 and spends his time coaching and training church planters for work in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet countries. He says the food situation in Ukraine is beyond serious with many civilians on the brink of starvation.
"Because those people who are left in the country are hiding in bomb shelters and subways, most of the stores are closed and transportation of food has ceased. Therefore, those stores that are still open lack food (the shelves are becoming empty quickly). So, pretty soon people will start starving.”
There are some good stories in the midst of the terror. A Ukrainian ECM worker in Croatia shares about a successful refugee retrieval from the Slovakian border.
“Three mothers and four children were brought safely to Croatia. They are being cared for by believers and overwhelmed by the love and care they have received. We are praying for our brothers and sisters who continue to transport people in the western part of Ukraine, caring for them and meeting their needs. They are doing a great job in the Lord.”
ECM workers in Ukraine are experiencing the catastrophe first hand as bombs go off near by and shops run out of food. Fuel is also very scarce and extremely expensive. ECM workers from various nearby European countries have been doing bus trips into Ukraine with mattresses, food, and essential items. They have been returning with refugees who are then cared for by the church. Our workers have reported that some non-believers who have been staying in the church have started joining in prayer times.
One ECM Ukraine worker shares how travel has a changed meaning for him.
“We often talk here about our last day of ‘normal life’. I guess it feels therapeutic to relive it in our heads. On my last day of normal life, I finished creating two perfect travel itineraries, one for Croatia and the other one for Switzerland, and just couldn't decide which trip to take first. Such a difficult dilemma, I thought.
I couldn't even imagine that in a few days, I'd be arranging itineraries for refugees and using my travel experience to help people get to safety…"Will the family with a newborn feel more comfortable travelling by direct train or by connecting flights?", "Will this old lady be okay travelling on her own, or should I try to team her up with someone else?" Who would have thought that these would become my new dilemmas?
I have always loved travelling, but since the beginning of the war, all my former symbols of joy have been overshadowed by human suffering. Now seeing a family with a suitcase undoubtedly means that they are fleeing the war and not going on vacation. Sad, bewildered, and detached. For many of them, this suitcase contains their whole life.
Still, among all the heartbreak, you can feel hope. You can hear people saying "We will be back soon, ok?"
Standing at this train station, I thought of the wonderful and encouraging words Paul wrote in his letter to Philemon - "for I hope that through your prayers I will be given back to you." May through our prayers, millions of Ukrainian women and children be given back to their husbands and fathers soon."
ECM missionary in Romania, Jennifer Grocott, says that she’s been very impressed with the Romanian people who have responded generously to the refugees, donating money and food. She says the government has also responded well, offering free medical care for all Ukrainian refugees. Jennifer says their church has also been involved in coordinating supplies and relief for the refugees coming into the east of the country. She says it’s important to remember who is really in control in a situation like this…
“God is the only one who knows this situation entirely. Only He knows the complete truth, and the hearts and minds of those making decisions. He knows and feels the pain of all those suffering and He promises to be close to those who are broken hearted. Only He knows what is going to happen and for how long, and He is the only one who can ultimately judge.”
Praise God for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and the sacrifices they are making every day for the sake of these broken people caught up in this horrible nightmare. Please be praying for them and for all the people who are injured, lost, or grieving loved ones and the loss of their beautiful homeland, that they might know the comfort only the Lord Jesus can provide.
"In this devastating darkness, we as a church have a unique opportunity to shine the light of Jesus. So, we continue to give shelter to people, feed the refugees, and generally care for their needs.” - Roman M (quote to put somewhere in article)
I only pray for us to continue to be strong and courageous, do not be frightened or dismayed. And that the Lord our God would be with us wherever we go. (Joshua 1:9)