Introducing Shona and Ross

Ross and Shona have officially been accepted as missionary candidates with ECM NZ and ECM Australia and are now working towards serving long-term in Austria from the beginning of 2024.
They are living in Sydney, Australia but will move to Wellington, New Zealand in Early 2022. Ross and Shona got married in December last year and have just had their first baby - Eden - on October 5th.
They both come to us with cross-cultural experiences. Shona is a MK (missionary kid) and grew up in Nepal, and Ross has spent two years with ECM as a short-term missionary in a church plant in Ireland. They both have a big heart for discipleship and have served in a variety of ministries.
Both Ross and Shona are studying at Sydney Mission Bible College (SMBC) and the plan is they will both be finished at the end of this year. They are both so grateful for their time at Bible College and the way it has helped to prepare them for future ministry. It's been a long process as Ross started studying with a gap year program in 2015 and Shona while training at her church in 2017, so they are both ready to get started on the next phase of life.
They will spend the next 18 months in NZ. Ross will be growing into his Kiwi half (his dad is a Kiwi) and both of them will connect into Shona’s church, City on a Hill Evangelical Church, in Wellington as they work on developing a support base of both prayer and finance, to send them to Austria.
This past year Ross has been working for ECM Australia as a mobiliser, and we are delighted he will bring his experience to NZ and continue to do the same for ECM NZ. It will be a huge benefit, and blessing, to have someone based in Wellington who can share about opportunities to work and serve the Lord in Europe.
Visit Ross and Shona's page on the ECM NZ website for more information.