Thank you for partnering with us in the mission,
small seeds can bring much fruit.

Why we need your help

ECM depends upon the freewill financial support of individual donors. While some support is received from churches, other groups and Christian trusts, the mainstay of our financial resources comes from individual supporters. ECM is a ‘faith mission’. It is only by relying on God’s providence through his people that we can and do exist. 

Please note: with the full understanding and authorisation of our missionaries, a small percentage of your donation is allocated towards ECM's administration costs, to help us support and facilitate the vital kingdom work that our missionaries do. Please be assured that all of your donation is handled responsibly and with great care. 

Thank you for your support!

ECM NZ is a Charitable Trust, registered with the New Zealand Charities services (CC31898).

 As a religious organisation whose funds are primarily applied to charitable purposes outside New Zealand, we are not eligible for donee status, therefore donors cannot claim tax credits on donations given to ECM NZ.